About Us
Shree Hindu Mandal Schools are co-educational, English medium schools offering Nursery to Secondary level education. Our integrated curriculum provides opportunities for all round development. We believe that with the right support every student can become future leaders and change-makers. We strive for excellence in all forms, and helping our learners discover and nurture their passions provides endless possibilities for their future.

Striving to achieve higher goals
We aim to provide the best educational opportunities and care for children where they feel nurtured, challenged and motivated to become responsible, compassionate, virtuous and intellectual future global citizens.
Provide high quality education to allow holistic development of our students.
Nurture a rich multi-cultural environment and support this by developing a more inclusive curriculum that offers a wide array of diversity efforts and programs.
Address a range of learning styles through the curriculum and academic support.
Instill global awareness in our students, creating informed future citizens
Develop cultural awareness in all its forms
Provide a knowledgeable and rigorous curriculum that supports active life-long learning
Enable an engaging program that ensures that students acquire better skills, knowledge and understanding
Attain a strong sense of self-worth, as well as a commitment to serve the community
Encourage a sense of shared understanding and appreciation while pursuing personal goals
Instill a healthy balance in the lives of our students by promoting fulfilment of creative interests, and the importance of health and fitness.
Honor: We encourage students to behave in an honest, trustworthy manner by encouraging them to build relationships founded on trust, empathy and respect. We affect positive change in our relationships, our community, and the environment. By providing a caring and committed learning community, we believe our students learn efficient ways to help them cope with the challenges in their life with integrity.
Respect: We inspire students to have confidence in their own identity, and acknowledge, understand, and support the rights of others. Our school creates an environment where learners are happy, safe and valued by ensuring a school environment that fosters respectful relationships among all members of the community. We are open-minded to and respect the views, cultures, values and traditions of others.
Responsible: Our students learn to take responsibility for the content and processes of decisions made, actions taken, and the resulting outcomes. Our curricula develop self-monitoring skills and independence in students through inspiring, innovative, differentiated learning experiences. We nurture the social and emotional accountability of our students by creating an environment that encourages risk-taking and supports personal well-being.
Collaboration: Our students actively participating with others in sharing information and ideas towards a common goal. We enrich academic and personal growth in students by engaging in peer-to-peer and student-to-faculty collaboration. We nurture a community that provides opportunities for faculty, staff, and administration to engage in continual professional development, creating authentic collaboration in the service of student learning.
Excellence: Our students give their best efforts, persevere, reflect on results, and have the courage to apply this new understanding to subsequent tasks. We provide authentic tasks tailor-made for individual learners to apply their knowledge and develop critical and creative thinking skills. Students are encouraged to maximize their academic potential, giving them the ability to aim for the stars and beyond.